WiCyS members attended BSides and got to meet people in the cybersecurity industry. They also listened to talks and participated in the CTF.
BSides Airbnb
WiCyS rented an Airbnb to be able to attend two days of the BSides conference.
Reverse Career Fair
WiCyS officers represented their club at the Reverse Careeer fair and got to speak to people from different companies.
WiCyS members listened to professionals in the field talk about their jobs, their life experiences on how they got there, and possible opportunities.
The first WiCyS meeting got members introduced to the club and got into different scholarship opportunites available.
WiCyS Officers tabled at OSU's College of Engineering Cookies and Clubs. They had a chance to reach out to students at OSU and potential new members of the club.
Officers and Advisor
This picture was taken Spring of 2024, the club's first official term. Pictured are the officers and advisor of the club.
About WiCyS @ Oregon State University
Our mission is to help build a diverse cybersecurity workforce by facilitating the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in cybersecurity. However, this club is not exclusive to women or those identify as women, we accept all allies!
WiCys presented great opportunities for me to join cybersecurity competitions. It has really opened doors for me and shown me all about the different paths that cybersecurity could take me.